Assessment of Program Success Factors: An Aspire Retention Tool - Program self-assessment on key factors that positively affect student retention. Staff can rate the program as “usually,” “sometimes,” or “rarely” implementing successful retention practices. Partial of full completion of the assessment will help programs identify short- and long-term focus areas. The Assessment is ordered by IPQ.
Strategies - Retention strategies that address each of the Assessment factors. Strategies are matched to the Assessment by Indicator and number.
Scenarios - Scenarios of common situations that may affect student retention. These can be used as part of a staff meeting, discussion, and/or program planning. Scenarios are ordered by IPQ.
Past Schooling and Background Information - Questionnaires for new students that allow students to frame their past educational successes and challenges. Teachers and administrators can use the results for programming and instruction. At-risk ABE/ASE and limited English proficient students may need additional support completing the forms. One form is for for non-native speakers of English and one form is for ABE/ASE students.