Teaching Strategies
Teaching strategies are a great way to add life to your lessons! The strategies on this page can be used to:
- Scaffold learning by supporting students before, during, and after a lesson
- Incorporate reading, writing and social activities
- Promote active learning and engaged learners
- Encourage collaboration in the classroom
- Help students become independent learners
Communication Skills
Read With Understanding
Convey Ideas in Writing
Speak So Others Can Understand
Listen Actively
Observe Critically
Decision-Making Skills
Solve Problems and Make Decisions
Use Math to Solve Problems and Communicate
GO TO Strategies
GO TO Strategies - these Scaffolding Options for Teachers of English Language Learners is a collection of 78 instructional strategies, which reflect research-based principles of scaffolded instruction for English language learners. The collection of strategies is organized into a searchable database according to seven purposes of teaching and learning:
- Community Building Strategies
- Interactive Strategies
- Teaching Strategies
- Student Learning Strategies
- Vocabulary Teaching Strategies
- Reading Strategies
- Writing Strategies
Scaffolds to Support English Language Learners in Writing and Discussion – information and examples for using 3 scaffolds: sentence frames/starters, signal words, word banks.
Strategies for Teaching Adult Refugees in the ELL Classroom – simple teaching strategies for meeting the unique needs of adult refugees.
Interpersonal Skills
Cooperate With Others
Guide Others
Advocate and Influence
Resolve Conflict and Negotiate
Lifelong Learning Skills
Take Responsibility for Learning
Learn Through Research
Reflect and Evaluate
Use Information and Communications Technology