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Explore Science - Lesson PlansAcid Upset! Too Much in Our Oceans (levels: 4, 5, 6) online lab, lab, ocean acidification, climate change, chemical reaction Acid in the Water (levels: 3, 4) acid water, science vocabulary, pollution, impact of pollution , acid mine drainage Biomes of the World (levels: 2, 3) biomes, biomes of the world, integrating content Biomes of the World, Part II Writing About Biomes (levels: 2, 3) biomes, characteristics of biomes BMI and Is Obesity a Disease? (levels: 4, 5) life science, human body and health, nutrients, nutrition, weight, body mass index, BMI Breathtaking Technology! (levels: 4, 6) STEM, environment, technology, air quality Conservation, Transformation, and the Flow of Energy (levels: 1, 2, 3) science, energy, contextualized lesson plan A Different View (levels: 2, 3) point of view, perspective, opinion Disruptions of Ecosystems (levels: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) disruption of ecosystems, scientific method, science, ecology, endangered species Distinguish Between Correlation and Causation (levels: 3, 4, 5, 6) correlation, causation, common cause, reverse causation, oversimplified cause, bidirectional causation , coincidence, bivariate data Drip, Drip, Drip, or the Case of the Leaky Faucet (levels: 4) science experiments, ratios , proportional relationships, measurement, data The Eclipse (levels: 2, 3, 4, 5) eclipse, solar, mythology, culture, technology Exploring Science Terms and Cell Basics (levels: 3, 4, 5) cell, cells, building blocks Exploring the Scientific Method Through Experiment Vocabulary and Design (levels: 3, 4) scientific method, scientific process, scientific investigation, scientific vocabulary, control, constant, independent variable, dependent variable, data collection, hypothesis, controlled experiment Fossil Fuels Debate (levels: 3, 4, 5) fossil fuel, fossil fuels, evaluating argument, writing argument, alternate energy, debate, fracking, writing an extended response Frogs at Risk (level: 3) frogs, ecosystem, species, life science The Future of Solar Energy (levels: 3, 4) STEM, environment, engineering, solar energy, career pathways Global Warming (levels: 3, 4) global warming, climate change Honey Bee Troubles (levels: 1, 2) reading, reading for information, main ideas, supporting details, reading strategies, reading comprehension Interpret the Slope and the Intercept of a Linear Model in the Context of Seed Germination Data (levels: 3, 4, 5, 6) slope, intercept, slope intercept, seed germination, data Invasive Species (levels: 4, 5, 6) invasive species, data, graph, ecosystem Is Solar an Effective Energy Source? (levels: 2, 3, 4, 5) STEM, environment, technology, solar energy Keeping Warm: Insulators & Conductors (levels: 3, 4) percent, percentage heat loss, heat , heat loss, insulate, conduct, science lab Newton's Laws of Motion and Distracted Driving (levels: 4, 5) Newton, Newton's laws, Newton's Laws of Motion Oh! The Air We Breathe (levels: 3, 4) STEM, environmental science, air quality, pollution, health disparities Oil and Gas Boom In and Around Monroe County (level: 3) oil and gas boom, oil drilling, fracking, environmental regulations, drilling for gas Organize, Represent, and Interpret Data (levels: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) measurement and data, data, data points, interpret data, organize data, represent data Pandemics (levels: 4, 5) life science, human body and health, disease, transmission of disease, pathogens, disease prevention, vaccine Percent of Increase and Decrease Applying Percentage Skills to Make Informed Nutritional Choices (levels: 3, 4) percent, percent increase, percent increase, nutrition, calorie, making informed nutritional choices, calculating percent Personal Medical History (levels: 3, 4) personal medical history The Plastic Crisis - Its Effect on Humans, Sealife and the Oceans (levels: 3, 4, 6) STEM, environment, engineering, water pollution, ecosystems, hydrodynamics Scientific Method (levels: 3, 4, 5) scientific method, conduct an experiment, writing assessment, hypothesis Scientific Processes (levels: 2, 3, 4, 5, ) scientific method, scientific processes, hypothesis, steps of the scientific method Short Answer Response for a Scientific Investigation (levels: 4, 5, 6) scientific method, scientific process, scientific investigation, scientific theory Water the Matrix of Life (levels: 3, 4, 6) STEM, environmental science, ecosystems, water usage, water conservation What In the Engineering Are You Doing? (levels: 5, 6) STEM, environment, engineering, air quality What is that Green Stuff on Lake Erie? (levels: 2, 5) STEM, environment, technology, water, ecosystems, algae blooms Why is Solar Energy Important? (levels: 2, 3, 4, 5) STEM, environmental science, solar energy