Instructional Resource Collection

Explore ELA Lessons - Reading

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Acid Upset! Too Much in Our Oceans (levels: 4, 5, 6)
online lab, lab, ocean acidification, climate change, chemical reaction

Amending the Constitution - Why Change (levels: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
constitution, Amendment

Analyzing Text (levels: 3, 4)
analyze text, evaluate argument, write argument, determine main idea, determine supporting details

Are You Ready to Argue (levels: 2, 3, 4)

Blending and Segmenting Syllables (level: 1)
blending, segmenting, syllables, phonemes, rhyming words

Breathtaking Technology (levels: 4, 6)
STEM, environment, technology, air quality

Cause and Effect (levels: 2, 3, 4)
cause and effect, identifying cause and effect, Revolutionary War, causes of the Revolutionary War, American Revolution, causes of the American Revolution

Causes of the American Revolution: Interpreting Political Cartoons (levels: 4, 5, 6)
American Revolution, political cartoons, analyze cause and effect, boycott, revolution, independence, irony, Stamp Act, consent , British, colonists, Parliament, patriots

Choosing the Phone That's Right for You (levels: 5, 6)
summarize, compare and contrast, writing a response to a prompt, comparing cell phones, building vocabulary

The Civil War - Reading on the Internet (levels: 2, 3, 4)
civil war

Close Reading of The Tell-Tale Heart (levels: 3, 4)
reading, close reading, reading comprehension, main idea, supporting details, inference, point of view, summarize

Colonial Influences (levels: 2, 3, 4)
colonial influences, early American history

Comparing Health Insurance Plans (levels: 3, 4, 5, 6)
compare and contrast, evaluate information, evidence, evidence-based decision-making, research

Context Clues Show Us the Way (levels: 1, 2, 3)
context clues, reading strategy, reading comprehension

Current Events (levels: 1, 2, 3)
main idea, supporting details, current events, read for information

A Different View (levels: 2, 3)
point of view, perspective, opinion

Do You Have the Right Evidence (levels: 3, 4)
evidence, argument, finding evidence, opinion, evaluate evidence

The Eclipse (levels: 2, 3, 4, 5)
eclipse, solar, mythology, culture, technology

Exploring Science Terms and Cell Basics (levels: 3, 4, 5)
cell, cells, building blocks

Exploring the Scientific Method Through Experiment Vocabulary and Design (levels: 3, 4)
scientific method, scientific process, scientific investigation, scientific vocabulary, control, constant, independent variable, dependent variable, data collection, hypothesis, controlled experiment

Federalism (levels: 4, 5)
federalism, Federalists, Anti-Federalists, compare and contrast, federal government, Federalist Papers

Finding Quality Child Care (levels: 1, 2, 3)
main idea, supporting details, evaluate evidence, writing assessment, evidence-based decision-making

For the President, All in a Day’s Work (levels: 2, 3)

Franklin D. Roosevelt and the First Inaugural Address (levels: 2, 3, 4)
FDR, Franklin D. Roosevelt, presidential history, inaugural address, Great Depression

Frogs at Risk (levels: 3)
frogs, ecosystem, species, life science

Fun with Phonics and Limericks (levels: 1, 2)
phonics, limericks, reading, vowels, vowel sounds

Getting a Driver's License (levels: 1, 2, 3)
main idea, supporting details, vocabulary, reading strategies

The Great Depression (levels: 1, 2, 3, 4)
Great Depression, events of the Great Depression

Harrison Bergeron - Reading the Text to Find the Answers (levels: 5, 6)
main idea, supporting details, point of view, cite evidence, analyze text, text-dependent questions, close reading

Honey Bee Troubles (levels: 1, 2)
reading, reading for information, main ideas, supporting details, reading strategies, reading comprehension

How to Become an Informed Voter (levels: 4, 5)
claims, misinformation, disinformation, fact-check

How Government Works (levels: 5, 6)
government, civics, US government, branches of government, how a bill becomes a law, checks and balances

The Impact of Disease on Our Lives (levels: 3, 4, 5)
analyze, disease, impact of disease

Introducing the Memo (levels: 1, 2)
main idea, supporting details, point of view, inference, career pathways

Is College Worth It (levels: 4, 5, 6)
argument, evaluating argument, writing, compare and contrast, main idea, supporting details, evidence, evaluating evidence, research

Is That Movie OK (levels: 2, 3)
reading, reading strategies, text, interpret text, reading skills, evaluate information

Jefferson on Church and State (levels: 3, 4)
Thomas Jefferson, relationship between church and state, separation of church and state

Living in a Satirical World (levels: 5, 6)
satire, irony, exaggeration, main idea, supporting details, political cartoons, point of view

Living Longer (levels: 3, 4)
health literacy, research, evaluating sources, reading, reading strategies, comprehension strategies

Magna Carta (levels: 4, 5, 6)
Magna Carta, founding documents, constitutional government, evolution of American government, rule of law, rules for democratic society, colonists, American Revolution, American independence, due process, respect for rights

Making a Grocery List (level: 1)
decoding, reading, reading strategies, alphabetics, word study

March on Washington (levels: 3)
civil rights, Civil Rights Movement, March on Washington, academic vocabulary, close reading, text comprehension, reading strategies

The Market Economy (levels: 2, 3, 4)
economics, market economy, inflation, deflation, consumers, supply, demand, price

MTVs Poetry (levels: 3, 4, 5, 6)

Native American Removal and the Trail of Tears (levels: 3, 4, 5)
American Indian policy, Native American policy, Native American Removal , Trail of Tears, westward expansion, manifest destiny

Newton’s Laws of Motion and Distracted Driving (levels: 4, 5)
Newton, Newton's laws, Newton's Laws of Motion

Ohio Census (levels: 3, 4, 5, 6)
census, math, census data

Ohio Statehouse History (levels: 2, 3, 4)
Ohio history, Ohio statehouse history, identifying main idea, identifying supporting details

Oil and Gas Boom In and Around (levels: 3)
oil and gas boom, oil drilling, fracking, environmental regulations, drilling for gas

OTC Medication (levels: 2, 3)
medication, over-the-counter medication, health literacy, reading medicine labels

Pandemics (levels: 4, 5)
life science, human body and health, disease, transmission of disease, pathogens, disease prevention, vaccine

Paul Revere’s Ride – Fact or Fiction? (levels: 3, 4, 5)
Paul Revere, United States history, Revolutionary War, compare and contrast, historical text, identify main idea, identify supporting details

Performing the Heimlich Maneuver (levels: 2, 3)
Heimlich Maneuver, main idea, supporting details

Persuade Me, Please! Reading a Persuasive Essay and Liking It (levels: 4, 5)
writing, writing assessment, reading, persuasive essay, point of view, argument, evidence, research

Planning a Vacation Online (levels: 2, 3)
planning a vacation, digital sources, online sources, using the Internet, geography skills, map, map reading

Reading Help Wanted Ads (levels: 1, 2)
help wanted ads, reading for information, reading, career pathways

Reading Informational Texts (levels: 1, 2)
main idea, supporting details, informational text

Reading for Information (levels: 1, 2, 3)
reading, main idea, supporting details, reading strategies, reading for information

Reading for Rent Advertisement (levels: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
reading, reading skills, main idea, supporting details, rent , advertisements

Reading the Newspaper (levels: 2, 3)
reading, reading skills, reading for information, reading the newspaper

Recognizing Bias (levels: 2, 3, 4)
bias, recognizing bias, purpose, point of view, opinion, fact, objective, biased

Rent-to-Own (levels: 3, 4)
rent-to-own, compare and contrast, writing assessment, language assessment, evidence

Scientific Processes (levels: 2, 3, 4, 5)
scientific method, scientific processes, hypothesis, steps of the scientific method

Show Me the Money (levels: 3, 4)
financial literacy, banking, consumer economics, compare and contrast, bank account, checking account

Sight Words Galore (level: 1)
reading, sight words

Skin Cancer Prevention (levels:2, 3 )
skin cancer, skin cancer prevention, informational text, main idea, supporting details, science

Slave Narratives (levels: 3, 4, 5)
United States history, slavery, Civil War, primary source, slave narratives

Super Dollar Special (levels: 2, 3)
reading, informational text, main idea, supporting details

Taking Notes for Class (levels: 3, 4)
taking notes, Cornell method, identifying the main idea, identifying supporting details, summarizing, how to take notes, career pathways

Text Structure and Organization (levels: 3, 4)
text structure, using graphic organizers, graphic organizer

Text Structure in Nonfiction - Construction Contextualization Lesson (levels: 3, 4, 5)
analyzing text structure, text structure, cause and effect, sequence, compare and contrast, chronological, descriptive

Time for a Workout with the Muscle Study Strategy (levels: 5, 6)
reading, reading strategy, career pathways

Transcendentalism - What Do You Think (levels: 1, 2, 3)
main idea, supporting details, evidence, writing assessment, summarize, paraphrase, Jigsaw

Understanding the Bill of Rights (levels: 3, 4)
Bill of Rights

Using Text Features to Understand Readings (levels: 1, 2)
text features, heading, table of contents, glossary, labels, index, types of print, icons, menu

Water, the Matrix of Life (levels: 3, 4, 6)
STEM, environmental science, ecosystems, water usage, water conservation

What Caused This Effect and Sequencing (levels: 2, 3)
cause and effect, sequence, writing assessment

What In the Engineering Are You Doing? (levels: 5, 6)
STEM, environment, engineering, air quality

What's Your Proof (levels: 4, 5, 6)
argument, evaluating argument, evidence, proof, writing assessment, point of view, persuasion

Which Text is the Most Complex (levels: , 6)
complex text, analyzing complex text, career pathways

Why the Declaration of Independence? (levels: 3, 4, 5, 6)
Declaration of Independence, causes of Declaration of Independence, reasons for Declaration of Independence, American Revolution, causes of American Revolution

Why is Solar Energy Important? (levels: 2, 3, 4, 5)
STEM, environmental science, solar energy

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