Answer Key

Exercise One Exercise Two
    1. accept
    2. lose
    3. They're
    4. affect
    5. too
    6. knew
    7. Whose
    8. fourth
    9. principal
    10. advise

    1. takes
    2. plans
    3. buries
    4. prays
    5. hopes
    6. fixes
    7. studies
    8. marries
    9. goes
    10. splashes

Exercise Three Exercise Four
    1. lived
    2. studied
    3. played
    4. worried
    5. stopped
    6. carried
    7. liked
    8. mowed
    9. mailed
    10. dried

    1. carrying
    2. stopping
    3. riding
    4. flying
    5. tying
    6. sleeping
    7. seeing
    8. holding
    9. mapping
    10. dyeing

Exercise Five Exercise Six
    1. Barbara's house
    2. Mr. Kadrmas's office
    3. the cats' food
    4. my friends' cars
    5. the neighbors' garbage
    6. the baby's book
    7. Mary Ann's keys
    8. the children's books
    9. the bridesmaids' dresses
    10. the bank's money

    1. adorable
    2. incredible
    3. suitable
    4. profitable
    5. available
    6. possible
    7. eligible
    8. reliable
    9. washable
    10. desirable

Exercise Seven Exercise Eight
    1. terrifically
    2. gently
    3. horribly
    4. politely
    5. automatically
    6. frequently
    7. probably
    8. responsibly
    9. publicly
    10. wisely

    1. weird
    2. yield
    3. believe
    4. receipt
    5. mischievous
    6. ceiling
    7. niece
    8. height
    9. neighbor
    10. briefcase

Exercise Nine Exercise Ten
    Answers will vary - use lesson word list to check that each word is spelled correctly.

    Answers will vary - when lesson is finished check answers with dictionary.

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